When you want to update your forum, it is important to make sure that your forum is handled with care and precise attention to detail. You’ve built up a community that knows your site, knows how it looks and how it works, and they like it that way (or sometimes, they push for change!). Whether your goal is to keep things as close as possible to the original while getting the benefits of a newer version, or you want a fresh start to revitalize or boost your community with your upgrade, we can help, while keeping all your customizations working properly, from A to Z. ForumExcellence gets it done right, the first time!

Our time-tested upgrade process reduces downtime and proactively addresses potential incompatibilities between addons/styles and your new forum version, before they happen, and make the entire process as easy and fast as possible.

We offer options to upgrade your forum software itself, your addons, and your styles, to the newest publicly available versions, as well as custom upgrading of plugins that are either incompatible, or custom-made.

Contact us today to get your forum upgraded!